The IMF is totally against the recent riots which resulted in the attack on ethnic minority healthcare workers. Furthermore, we endorse the recently published comments by Wes Streeting, the UK Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, together with those of the chair of the RCGP, Professor Kamila Hawthorne, both of whom condemned the riots and attack on ethnic minority healthcare professionals. The IMF believes it is our duty to serve the entire population with fairness and without discrimination. 

Despite the riots and racial hatred seen recently towards members of the public including medical staff, it is important for us, as healthcare professionals, to be mindful of our duty (in line with the Hippocratic oath) to “help the sick and do no harm”; and therefore to offer medical care to all regardless of race, religion, gender or any other protected characteristics. In particular, the statistics of deaths in black and ethnic minority pregnant mothers and their newborn babies are unacceptable. Our members are committed to working to improve the situation of these patients, and indeed perinatal and post-natal care in the general population. 

The IMF is the only membership organisation whose members have pledged to serve the needs of patients, colleagues and the public to the best of their ability. 

Dr Nelda Frater

President, IMF

The Independent Medical Faculty Ltd is registered in England and Wales under company number 15649468 at 94 Harley Street, London W1G 7HX.
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